EverTec™ Cushioned Mailer

EverTec Cushioned Mailers are the perfect, cost-efficient small box replacement. These curbside recyclable mailers drive savings on time, labor, and freight while also providing sustainable product protection.

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Pregis EverTec™ Cushioned Mailer

EverTec Cushioned Mailers are the perfect, cost-efficient small box replacement. These curbside recyclable mailers drive savings on time, labor, and freight while also providing sustainable product protection.


Product Details

  • Revolutionary cushioning – EverTec utilizes revolutionary lightweight cushioning which enables easy curbside recycling while providing superior protection
  • Premium damage protection – Cushioned construction with strong bottom and side heat sealing, cushions the package for high-impact resistance.
  • Right-sized for shipping – Variable sizes to accommodate the widest range of items and fit more right-sized packages on every truck.
  • Ultra-efficient box replacement – HALF the effort of manual box applications, increasing warehouse efficiency.
  • Durable "Everlasting" performance – Highly puncture resistant, with flexible “give” to protect the precious cargo through every last trip.
  • Easy to recycle – Slam-dunk these padded mailers into recycling bins to restart the cycle of green enterprise, mailing worldwide.
  • True "Evergreen" solution – Eliminates landfill waste by reducing damaged items, and creates a circular recycling stream, protecting what's inside and out.


Durable Design with Proven Reduction in Damages

Shake it, stack it, drop it or drench it - EverTec padded mailer demonstrates everlasting performance, protecting what’s on the inside with equal protection to the outside. 



EverTec Cushioned Mailers

Variable sizes Cushioned protection Lightweight

Size Exterior:
Flap Closed
Interior Typical Weight
CM-0 7” x 9”  6" x 9" .54 
CM-2 12” x 9”  11" x 9" .95 
CM-4 14” x 9”  13" x 9" 1.06 
CM-5 12” x 15”  11" x 15" 1.48 
CM-6 14” x 18”  13" x 18" 1.98 


4x faster than assembling and packing a box

Pregis EverTec™ Mailer is the option you need to replace small boxes. EverTec™ is packed and ready to ship 4 x faster than manually packing boxes, increasing efficiency; and at ½ the cost. That’s the EverTec™ difference, yet another power-packed solution from your friends at Pregis.






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